Product Overview
Use: Bacteriological Agar is used as a solidification agent in the preparation of microbiological culture media.
Description: Bacteriological Agar is a water soluble colloidal extract obtained from certain species of marine red algae including Gelidium, Pterocladia, and Gracilaria. Impurities, debris, minerals, and pigment are reduced to specific levels during manufacture. The majority of microorganisms cannot digest agar thus making it an excellent solidifying agent. The addition of 13-15 grams/Liter is recommended for the preparation of most dehydrated culture media formulations. If the culture medium has a pH of 6 or less 20 grams/Liter should be used. Semi-solid medium is obtained with agar concentrations of 3-8 grams/Liter. Bacteriological Agar is optimized for best magnesium and calcium content. Detrimental ions such as iron and copper are reduced.
Typical Physical & Chemical Characteristics:
- Color: White Cream
- Particle Size: 40/60, 80/100 mesh sieve
- Moisture: 9.3%
- Gel Strength: 600 g/cm²
- pH: 5.9 @ 20°C
- Gel Point: 34.7°C ± 0.5°C
- Melting Point: 83.7°C ± 0.5°C
- Ash: 4%
- Acid-insoluble ash: < 0.5%
- Solubility: In boiling water
Microbiological Analysis:
- Total Plate Count: < 5000 per g
- Coliforms < 3 per g
- E. coli: 0 per g
- Salmonella: 0 per g
- Yeast & Mold: < 200 per g
Cultural Response:
Prepare plain or blood growth plates using a Trypto Soy Agar formulation with 1.5% agar. Characteristic cultural responses were obtained in 24-48 hours at 35.0°C.
- Microorganism
- Plain Agar
- Blood Agar
- Escherichia coli ATCC 25922
- Growth
- Growth, beta hemolysis
- Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923
- Growth
- Growth, beta hemolysis
- Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC 6305
- Growth
- Growth,alpha hemolysis
- Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615
- Growth
- Growth, beta hemolysis