Product Overview
Description: Beef Extract is used in preparing microbiological media. Beef Extract is used to replace infusions of meat, it is usually used in concentrations of 0.3 - 0.5%. Beef Extract's lack of fermentable carbohydrates allows it to be used in fermentation studies. Culture media containing Beef Extract have been recommended for use in bacteriological examination of water, milk, and other materials.
- Ash ........................................... 10.2%
- pH, 1% Solution ............................ 6.9
- Moisture ..................................... 2.5%
- Clarity, 1% Solution ...................... 1.7
- Filterability (g/cm²) ....................... 0.6
- Total .......................................... <0.1%
Nitrogen Content:
- Total .......................................... 14.0%
- AN/TN ...................................... 15.7%
- Amino Nitrogen .......................... 2.2%
Biological Testing (CFU/g)
- Coliform ................................ Negative
- Standard Plate Count ............... 700
- Salmonella .......................... Negative
- Thermophile Count ..................... 30
- Spore Count ................................. 500